Sunday, June 29, 2008

Happy Father's Day

Yes, I know this is late. But really now, who's surprised. At least it's here. This was taken on Father's Day. We went swimming. That is my boys' favorite thing to do these days. And, we all always seem to have fun, so it works out well. Plus, dang they sleep well after a good swim. But I just wanted to say a bit about my children's father: he's a dream. He's the perfect dad for my 2 boys. They love playing chase with him, and going outside to run around in the street (it sounds worse than it is) with him. And even when I have really cool ideas, I let them think it was him so it will be "their hero" who invented the idea, etc. He has such passion for them; always teaching them about God and manners and respect. It does warm my heart. Thanks, honey, for being a great dad to my little boys.
And for this man...
He's quite dreamy, too. He's been a dad a lot longer than he's been my dad, but those years were just practice. I could go on and on about what a great dad he's been, but that still wouldn't convey to any reader how awesome he's really been. Well, no one's perfect, but he comes pret' darn close. He either taught by example or showed me what not to do by example (ha ha). He was a perfect example to me of how to walk with God and live your faith...don't just talk about it. He has standards and values and does not cheat (except at Bunko). And most of all, he's been a wonderful husband to my precious mother for almost 52 years. And what greater example can someone give than to be dedicated and humble enough to be married for that long. I only hope I live long enough to be married that long. Thanks Daddy for being who you are, so that I could learn to be who I am. xoxoxo


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